Sunday, September 28, 2014


Everyone has a reason they want to get in shape.  For me it has always been the desire to be healthy.  I have always wanted to be the person that was able to participate in activities without be judged for how they look, without getting winded, and without needing to stop for breaks.  I have always wanted to be able to just be part of the normal crowd and for some reason I associated normal with an average weight and good health.  I do realize that weight and health are not always companions, but for me I am hoping I can have both.

In addition to wanting to be healthy I also, like most people, have a very superficial reason for wanting to lose weight and be healthy.  I want to be able to wear cute cloths, shop in fun stores, not squeeze into plane seats, and now have to run to wrap myself in a towel the second I step out of the ocean.  I want to be proud of my body and want to be able to show it off with cute clothes and styles -  yes, this is a stupid and superficial reason but it is also a huge motivator!

For me the journey to get in shape has been a LONG (read winding, never ending, UP-HILL) journey that doesn't seem to have an ending in the near future.  I have tried everything, MANY gyms, personal trainers, diet plans, weight loss programs,  pre-packaged meals, doctors, etc. - just to name a few.  Everything worked for awhile but then I always, inevitably, gained the weight back and fell back into my same routines.  Getting healthy is easier said than done.  We all KNOW what we need to do: eat right, exercise, "it's a way of life not just temporary", create a new outlook, etc BLAH, BLAH, BLAH - I have heard it all before and honestly I can rattle it off to anyone and make is seem like I know what I am doing - but honestly it's not true, I don't know what I'm doing, if I did I would be healthy!

In January I decided I needed a change - I know what you are thinking, right another New Years Resolution, #Lame.  But I decided that I was going to do it and I think sometimes that is all it takes - you need to really want to do it.  I told everyone I knew, I figured what better way to stick to my guns than fear of embarrassment and disappointing others?  The other motivation I decided I needed was a strong financial commitment that would make me continue the journey.  Like most people, the idea of losing money is NOT appealing.

This blog is going to be the story of how (now 9 months into this journey) I have managed to stay relatively on track with my journey and have continued to be semi-successful in my plan to get in shape and get healthy.  It has not been all champagne and roses - actually there has been very little champagne and roses. There have been a ton of road blocks and a lot of internal battles but I have persevered and continue to fight everyday.  I will also share stories and experiences from my past that have helped to shape my current outlook on my journey as well as my everyday experiences.

I hope you enjoy reading my story and can laugh with (and at me) along the way.  I also hope that through my journey you find just a little bit of courage or motivation to start or continue your own!

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