Thursday, October 2, 2014

Where did my motivation go?

Do you ever have days weeks months when you honestly don't feel like doing anything? This has been that time for me.  I am trying to chalk it up to recovering from an illness and the change of seasons but honestly it's just laziness.

I am scheduled to run a half-marathon on Oct 19th and am starting to get VERY worried!  I had been on a great training schedule up until about 2 weeks ago, even running a 5K on Saturday Sept 20 with a somewhat decent time (49 min - yeah I know it's slow but for me it was pretty good.  I didn't stop and I kept a slow jog the entire time).  However, that Monday I was diagnosed with Shingles which took me out of training (and pretty much life) for a week.  I fell into a lazy routine and it has been hard to recover (it has also been hard to wear clothes and a sports bra due to the pain) however I NEED to get back at it.

I have 14 days and I am going to pick up the pace, dig deep and find my motivation because I really need work in order to make sure I am in decent shape on Oct 19 to at least have a somewhat 'ok' jog and walk pace during my 13.1!

I am making a pledge that starting today through Friday, Oct 17 I will train EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

End whining.

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