Friday, October 3, 2014

Oreos & Being Lazy #AFewOfMyFavoriteThings

It is crazy to think that I need more motivation than knowing that I can and WANT to be healthy in order to keep up my exercise schedule.  I look back over the last few months and realize that while I do love working out and feeling great (once I get started) I also love being lazy and Oreos!

When you  are on a path and are regular being healthy it's easy to keep it up but once you take a break (whether forced or not) it is entirely too easy to fall very far off your path of health.  As I look at ways to keep my self motivated to start my exercise back up as I train for the Runners World Half Marathon on Oct 19 I remembered this amazing video that a great friend did of my experience during the Broad Street Run in May.

The Broad Street Run was my first run what was longer than a 5k and I was terrified, I was also not prepared- but I did it.  Watching this video was just the inspiration I needed to help me knock out another workout today and keep me jazzed to plan a trail run for tomorrow!  If you are interested please take the time to watch the video (the link is below).
Password: Running Broad

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