Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Working Out - An Actual Plan

So on Friday afternoon the UPS delivery man made a delivery to my house.  It was a much anticipated but much dreaded delivery.  It was the delivery of my T25 package. I was excited, nervous, and terrified all at the same time.  So I did what any girl would do, I shut those nerves and anxiety down with a snack!

Now, I acknowledge this was not the most mature decision I made but I justified it because I did workout already and decided that I would deal with this T25 nonsense on Saturday.  I was going to enjoy my Friday, after all I was meeting a friend at the mall!

So Friday's retail therapy came and went and Saturday afternoon arrived.  It was time...  I opened the box and started reading all of the materials.  ShaunT is LONG WINDED in his marketing material!  I mean shit, I already bought the program, chill.  After reading (almost) everything l I decided to follow the instructions (this is a relative first for me) so I took my measurements and starting weight and also took my before pictures from all angles.  PLEASE NOTE: none of these things will be shared here because there are insanely embarrassing. I will, however, tell you that I have a long way to go and have a goal of losing 75 pounds (more about that goal and timeline in a later post - this is known in the literary world as a cliffhanger).

Anyway, I did my first workout on Saturday afternoon and I started with the mindset 'it's only 25 minutes' - I can do anything for 25 minutes, right? WRONG! It took me 42 minutes to complete since I pushed pause so many times since in addition to believing in heavy marketing ShaunT also doesn't believe in breaks during 25 minute workouts #Jerk. However, I finished.  I barely finished, but I finished and actually felt pretty decent about myself.

MEMO: you will need to immediately shower upon completion of the workout because you will be a disgusting ball of smelly sweat.  There will be nothing attractive or 'glistening' about it.  You will smell like rotting ass and you will be essentially sopping wet so just do everyone a favor and go right into the shower.

Ok, so I did a workout on both Saturday and Sunday.  I was feeling pretty good about myself - enter my husband. He tends to fancy himself a 'gym person' and feels that he knows a lot about working out.  I told him I was doing T25 and explained what it was and asked him if he wanted to do a workout with me, he sort of made a face but politely declined (this was Sunday morning).  He continued to run his mouth about 'workout DVD's not being real workouts' and 'being for girls' BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Anyway, I convinced him to try it with me on Monday night - he wouldn't let me take an 'after' picture (to save his pride) but let me just paint the picture - he started to whine 4 minutes into the workout, so you can imagine how it went...  He was DRENCHED at the end of the workout. LOVED it, and is now HOOKED!  He is SOOO hooked he has even agreed to get up at 6AM with me every morning to do the program!

I am only 4 days in, but so far I am really enjoying this (after all it is only 25 minutes) and I am hoping that it keeps me motivated and hooked to keep working out.  For a girl that HATES (read LOATHES) working out 25 minutes 5 days a week is a pretty decent compromise. I am also sure that it will only enhance my half training and keep me motivated.

On a completely different note I also just committed to run the Philly Half-Marathon in November - EEK!

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